
Hi can we maybe talk about how no one talks about what the Temporal Chalice offered Merle? Everyone focuses on crying over Magnus and pitying Taako and that’s all well and good but… Merle faced severe trauma?? He was tricked by (what he thought was) his god (a figure that he trusts deeply and has always helped him and was a huge part of his childhood and development) and then went through his arm solidifying into rock and then chopped off brutally and w/o warning or prep, and then just had to live with a prosthetic. It was brushed off but that is some deep mental and physical trauma. I’m sure the event gave him some type of PTSD and the fact that no one gives Merle more credit for turning down the Chalice’s offer with such a “life goes on” attitude is heartbreaking. Merle is a deep character too, he is not just comedic relief or w/o his trauma he too is a fully realized creation! Fuck!!

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