


[GIF description: several narrow, rectangular animated illustrations. The first shows a moon base hovering in the air, dark storm clouds moving behind it. The next shows a wooden mannequin standing in front of a desk, as a tank filled with green liquid bubbles nearby. The next shows Taako and Merle in the foreground, cast in shadow as they walk away from the Fantasy Coscto in the distance. The next shows Angus sitting by Lucretia’s feet, watching as Davenport puts a golden orb atop a pedestal. The next shows Carey crying as Killian comforts her and Noelle is nearby, eyes closed. The next shows Johann playing his violin for the purple-hued voidfish, floating in its tank. The next shows two circles. One is made up of spinning yellow orbs and the other is black and filled with white eyes, including a large eye in the center. The last GIF shows white teeth smiling against a black background.]

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